When it comes to astrology, people divide into two parties. The first does not believe that aspects and positions of celestial bodies can affect human affairs. Others are pretty sure that each star can predict our future. Do you believe that planets can control our destinies and lives? In this case, you might have an interest in getting familiar with this astrology WordPress plugin. It is called Tetrabyblos, and its package offers a massive set of relevant functions. Today, we have prepared an overview of this assistant that allows deciding whether it is suitable for you.

To start with, Tetrabybloc is an all-in-one astrology WordPress plugin with a bunch of useful options. It takes nothing to manage and install this add-on. Thanks to it, crafting a unique-looking astrological chart will not be a huge issue. It does not matter whether you are an expert in programming or not. This user-friendly astrology WordPress plugin enables controlling your preliminary interpretation reports. If you want to be independent with your astrological predictions, this ready-made solution will meet your satisfaction.
What to Expect From This Astrology WordPress Plugin?
We have already mentioned that this astrology WordPress plugin has a wide range of tools. However, it is necessary to prove this fact by providing additional info. Now, we are going to go through a list of its impressive features. Despite its broad functionality, it will always remain easy-to-install.

1) You are free to present the ecliptic tropical or sidereal longitude of the primary celestial bodies. These include a set from Sun to Pluto, nodes of Moon, major Arabic parts, mid-heaven, and others.
2) In addition to this, it has 60 principal start and the cusps of the houses. It works for both radix (birth-chart) and current transit.

3) It is also possible to present elements and qualities of the planets using percentages. There is a chance to enumerate dignities, including terms and faces. You will need to choose the necessary dignities table system. These are Dorotheus and Ptolemy. If it is essential to create a personalized table, you will be ready to do this. Finally, calculating dignities scores in accordance with the chosen table system is also effortless.
4) This astrology WordPress plugin also enables giving the primary astrological Vedic – Jyotisha information for the chart. These include Nakshatram, Yoga, Karana, Thiti, Pada, Rasi, Madhya or Sandhi houses, and Dasa periods. Do you need the tropical chart for the mutual comparison of the two systems? In this case, it is better to turn to the default option, which is Lahiri Ayanamsa.

5) What about house systems that you can use? In general, there are 13 house systems to work with. Among them, we can mention Placidus, Porphyrius, Equal, Regiomontanus, Campanus, Morinus, Koch, Topocentric, and others.
6) There are also 13 different Reference Ayanamsas. As an example, these are Lahiri, Fagan or Bradley, DeLuce, B. V. Raman, and others.

7) We cannot keep silent about an amazing atlas that shows 145500 cities of the world. It also allows using historical time zone calculations. If you want to choose other geographic coordinates or time zones, it will be possible.
8) It also has a western graphical chart. It includes transit and birth. There are many extra aspects that deserve your attention. These are key astronomical events related to the birth as a moon phase, a near eclipse, and seasons. You can also pay attention to planets, positions of houses and stars, classical dignities, elements and qualities, Vedic information. There are also Arabic parts and natal aspects.

9) Do not forget about the opportunity of creating the written report. Alternatively, you can choose the Vedic north style with the Vargas. A WordPress admin panel does everything in its power to write and manage your texts. After this, it can also transit your reports. You have the freedom to give positions, interpretations, and graphics for future dates. By the way, there is also a calendar mode that will help you in this goal.
10) It takes nothing to change the layout of your sections. In other words, mixing info, choosing the colors of charts, adding the desired style of buttons, and doing other things is possible.

11) To attract an international audience, you can start translating it into every language your soul wants.
12) In order not to lose your pieces of content, do not forget to turn to save and backup functions.
A Few Words in Conclusion
As you can understand, an astrology-related site definitely requires something like this multi-functional assistant. It offers an incredibly useful set of functions that will allow you to broaden the horizons. By the way, it would be clever to draw your attention to different astrology WordPress themes. The right combination of this astrology WordPress plugin and ready-made solution to your horoscopes. It is not a wheel of fortune. It is your chance to boost your popularity and impress people with something unexpected. Perhaps, you will manage to make others believe in astrology and its complexity as a science.
Thanks for reading!